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Ever wish you could grab an image of what you’re seeing in that beautiful new video game? Well you can—in fact, some tools even let you pause the game and take a screenshot using a free-moving, in-game camera.

曾经希望您能获得在这个美丽的新视频游戏中看到的图像吗? 可以,实际上,有些工具甚至可以让您暂停游戏并使用自由移动的游戏内相机拍摄屏幕截图。

The usual often don’t work properly in games. You may just end up capturing a black screen or a picture of your desktop when you press the Windows+Print Screen button to take a screenshot of a full-screen game, for example, so other methods may be required.

在的常用通常无法正常工作。 例如,当您按下Windows + Print Screen按钮拍摄全屏游戏的屏幕截图时,您可能只是捕获了黑屏或桌面图片,因此可能需要其他方法。

Thankfully, Steam has a built-in shortcut for taking a game screenshot, and this feature is built into NVIDIA and AMD’s graphics drivers, too. If you’re playing a newer game on NVIDIA graphics hardware, you can even take advantage of NVIDIA Ansel to pause your gameplay and set up the perfect screenshot of your character. Here’s how to put these different methods to use.

值得庆幸的是,Steam具有用于捕获游戏屏幕截图的内置快捷方式,并且该功能也内置在NVIDIA和AMD的图形驱动程序中。 如果您正在NVIDIA图形硬件上玩新游戏,您甚至可以利用NVIDIA Ansel暂停游戏并设置角色的完美屏幕截图。 这是使用这些不同方法的方法。

使用Steam的快捷方式截屏 (Take a Screenshot Using Steam’s Shortcut)

If you’re playing a game on Steam, you can use the screenshot feature built into Steam’s overlay to snap a picture of what’s on your screen. Press the “F12” key on your keyboard to take a screenshot. You’ll hear a shutter sound and a “Screenshot saved” notification will appear at the bottom right corner of your screen.

如果您在Steam上玩游戏,则可以使用Steam叠加层中内置的屏幕截图功能来捕捉屏幕上的内容。 按键盘上的“ F12”键以截屏。 您会听到快门声,并且屏幕右下角将显示“屏幕截图已保存”通知。

You can change the F12 key to another shortcut key, if you like. In the Steam interface, click Steam > Settings > In-Game and change the “Screenshot shortcut keys” option.

如果愿意,可以将F12键更改为另一个快捷键。 在Steam界面中,单击Steam>设置>游戏中,然后更改“屏幕截图快捷键”选项。

To view screenshots taken within the game, you can open the Steam overlay by pressing Shift+Tab—or your custom keyboard shortcut, if you’ve changed this in Steam—and click the “View Screenshots” button on the overlay.

要查看游戏中的屏幕截图,您可以通过按Shift + Tab或您的自定义键盘快捷键(如果已在Steam中进行了更改)来打开Steam叠加层,然后单击叠加层上的“查看截图”按钮。

After exiting the game, you can also see your screenshots from the game’s page in your Steam library. Scroll down to the bottom of the game’s page and you’ll see a Screenshots section with a “View Screenshot Library” button.

退出游戏后,您还可以从Steam库中游戏页面上查看屏幕截图。 向下滚动到游戏页面的底部,您将看到带有“查看截图库”按钮的“截图”部分。

The screenshot library allows you to upload your screenshots to Steam, making them public, friends-only, or private, and optionally share them to Facebook. There’s also a “Show on Disk” button here that will show you the screenshots as image files on your PC, allowing you to do whatever you want with them.

屏幕截图库允许您将屏幕截图上传到Steam,使其成为公开,仅好友或私有的截图,还可以选择将其共享给Facebook。 这里还有一个“在磁盘上显示”按钮,可将您的屏幕截图显示为PC上的图像文件,使您可以对它们进行任何操作。

使用游戏内快捷键截屏 (Take Screenshots Using In-Game Shortcuts)

Many games, particularly games which aren’t on Steam, have their own built-in screenshot functions and shortcuts. This screenshot key is often just the “Print Screen” key, but it may be a different key in some games. Tap the key in question, and the game will save a screenshot of itself to a location on your disk.

许多游戏,尤其是不在Steam上的游戏,都有自己的内置屏幕截图功能和快捷方式。 该屏幕快照键通常只是“ Print Screen”键,但在某些游戏中可能是不同的键。 点击有问题的键,游戏会将屏幕截图保存到磁盘上的某个位置。

In Blizzard’s Battle.net games, for example, the Print Screen key always saves a screenshot. You can then find your screenshots in a folder on your hard drive (though it’s ). For example, Overwatch stores screenshots in Documents\Overwatch\ScreenShots\Overwatch .

例如,在暴雪的Battle.net游戏中,“打印屏幕”键始终保存屏幕截图。 然后,您可以在硬盘上的文件夹中找到屏幕截图(尽管 )。 例如,《守望先锋》将屏幕快照存储在Documents\Overwatch\ScreenShots\Overwatch

Depending on the game you’re taking a screenshot of, you may need to perform a web search or look in its keyboard shortcut configuration menu to find the screenshot key and save location.


使用NVIDIA GeForce Experience截屏 (Take Screenshots with NVIDIA GeForce Experience)

If you have NVIDIA graphics hardware, you probably have NVIDIA’s software installed. It has a few tricks up its sleeve, including a basic screenshot feature that should work in every game. To take a screenshot with GeForce Experience, press Alt+F1. The screenshot will be saved to the GeForce Experience gallery, and you’ll see a “Screenshot has been saved to Gallery” notification appear at the top right corner of your screen.

如果您具有NVIDIA图形硬件,则可能已安装NVIDIA的软件。 它有一些技巧,包括一个基本的屏幕截图功能,该功能在每款游戏中都可以使用。 要使用GeForce Experience截屏,请按Alt + F1。 屏幕截图将保存到GeForce Experience画廊,并且您会看到“屏幕快照已保存到画廊”通知显示在屏幕的右上角。

To view the screenshots, you can press Alt+Z from anywhere—yes, even on your Windows desktop—to view the overlay. Click “Gallery” to view your captured screenshots along with any you’ve saved. You can also find the screenshots under Videos\[Name of Game] along with any videos you’ve captured with GeForce Experience.

要查看屏幕截图,您可以从任意位置(甚至在Windows桌面上)按Alt + Z查看覆盖。 单击“图库”以查看捕获的屏幕截图以及已保存的任何 。 您还可以在“视频\ [游戏名称]”下找到屏幕截图,以及通过GeForce Experience捕获的所有视频。

使用NVIDIA Ansel拍摄功能强大的游戏截图 (Take Powerful, In-Game Screenshots with NVIDIA Ansel)

GeForce Experience has a more impressive feature, however, named NVIDIA Ansel, which can take in-game screenshots using a free-moving camera. This works only in specific games where the developer has enabled support for the feature, and it’s fairly new, so only a few games are supported. You can see the full on NVIDIA’s website. Big games like Dishonored 2, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, Middle-earth: Shadow of War, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are included on this list.

GeForce Experience具有一个更令人印象深刻的功能,名为NVIDIA Ansel,它可以使用自由移动的相机拍摄游戏内屏幕截图。 这仅在开发人员已启用对功能的支持的特定游戏中有效,并且它是相当新的,因此仅支持少数游戏。 您可以在NVIDIA网站上查看支持的完整 。 诸如《耻辱2》 ,《 地狱之刃:塞努阿的牺牲》 ,《 中土世界:战争之影》《巫师3:狂猎》等大型游戏都包含在此列表中。

To use NVIDIA Ansel in an enabled game, simply press Alt+F2. The gameplay will freeze and you’ll see an “Ansel” sidebar appear. You can use the movement keys on your keyboard and click and drag with the mouse to reposition the camera in the game scene so you can take the perfect screenshot.

要在已启用的游戏中使用NVIDIA Ansel,只需按Alt + F2。 游戏将冻结,您将看到一个“ Ansel”侧栏。 您可以使用键盘上的移动键,然后单击并拖动鼠标以将摄像机重新放置在游戏场景中,从而获得完美的屏幕截图。

You can change the options in the sidebar to give the screenshot a different filter effect (like sepia tone) or adjust the field of view. At the bottom, you can select whether you want to capture a normal screenshot, a super resolution screenshot that’s even more detailed than a normal screenshot, or a 360-degree screenshot. These 360-degree screenshots can be in a variety of ways, including with a desktop web browser or a VR headset like an , or .

您可以更改侧栏中的选项,以使屏幕截图具有不同的滤镜效果(例如棕褐色)或调整视场。 在底部,您可以选择是否要捕获普通屏幕截图,比普通屏幕截图更详细的超分辨率屏幕截图或360度屏幕截图。 可以通过多种方式这些360度屏幕截图,包括使用台式机Web浏览器或VR耳机(如或 。

Click the “Snap” button and your screenshot will be saved. You can keep going to take as many different screenshots as you like of the paused scene. When you’re done, you’ll find your screenshots in the GeForce Experience gallery. Press Alt+Z and click “Gallery” to view it. These screenshots will also appear under Videos\[Name of Game] along with any ShadowPlay videos or normal GeForce Experience screenshots you’ve taken.

单击“快照”按钮,您的屏幕截图将被保存。 您可以继续为暂停的场景拍摄尽可能多的不同屏幕截图。 完成后,您将在GeForce Experience画廊中找到您的屏幕截图。 按Alt + Z,然后单击“图库”进行查看。 这些屏幕截图还将与您拍摄的任何ShadowPlay视频或常规GeForce Experience屏幕截图一起显示在“视频\ [游戏名称]”下。

AMD ReLive (AMD ReLive)

With AMD graphics hardware, you can use to take a screenshot—but only if you have desktop graphics hardware based on the AMD Graphics Core Next (GCN) architecture.


There’s nothing fancy here like NVIDIA Ansel. You can use this feature to take screenshots as well as capture videos, just like you would with Steam or NVIDIA GeForce Experience.

没有像NVIDIA Ansel这样的幻想。 您可以像使用Steam或NVIDIA GeForce Experience一样,使用此功能来拍摄屏幕截图以及捕获视频。

Once you’ve enabled ReLive, you can either press Ctrl+Shift+E or press Alt+Z and then click “Screenshot” to take a screenshot from within a game. By default, it will save screenshots you take to your Videos folder.

启用ReLive后,您可以按Ctrl + Shift + E或按Alt + Z,然后单击“截屏”以从游戏内截屏。 默认情况下,它将把您截取的屏幕截图保存到“视频”文件夹中。

使用Windows 10的游戏栏拍摄屏幕截图 (Take Screenshots with Windows 10’s Game Bar)

also includes a screenshot feature, so you could also use that if one of the above options won’t work. To use it, you can either press Windows+Alt+Print Screen or press Windows+G to open the game bar and then click the camera-shaped “Screenshot” button on the bar. These keyboard shortcuts can be changed from Settings > Gaming > Game bar, if you like.

还包括屏幕截图功能,因此如果上述选项之一不起作用,您也可以使用该功能。 要使用它,您可以按Windows + Alt + Print Screen或按Windows + G打开游戏栏,然后单击栏中的摄像头形状的“屏幕截图”按钮。 如果愿意,可以从“设置”>“游戏”>“游戏栏”更改这些键盘快捷键。

When you take a screenshot with the game bar, you’ll see an Xbox “Screenshot saved” notification at the bottom right corner of your screen. Screenshots you’ve taken in this way will appear under Videos\Captures along with any videos you’ve captured with .

当使用游戏栏截图时,您会在屏幕的右下角看到Xbox的“屏幕截图已保存”通知。 您以这种方式拍摄的屏幕截图以及通过捕获的所有视频将显示在“视频\捕获”下。




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